Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Does a day missed a habit break?

I have discovered that I do have a few people who read my blog regularly. While I have no official "followers" yet, I have received lovely encouraging notes from friends which tell me that there are folks out there reading this. Sadly, Yesterday's blog did not get written. So, like many who have made New Years resolutions I have had a "setback". As I said in previous blogs, it is how we react to the things that happen that shape their influence on us. I could have shrugged and left this matter to think about the next day after work, given the late hour I got in and the early hour I have to get up and get ready for work - but no. I am committed to this. And if you have a resolution you are committed to be it go to the gym 3x a week, give up smoking, be nicer to your spouse - the sooner you get back on track the better. So here I am 6:00 a.m. and I am determined to write a few lines and get back on my horse.

OK, having said that, I think I have a good excuse for not writing yesterday - went out after work with a friend I haven't seen in a while and by the time the evening was over and I had gotten home and had walked the dog it was after midnight. My brain was in no shape to blog last night that was sure. But I had a great time and renewed my vow before bed to blog in the morning before work.

The morning is clear and it is a wonderful view this morning across the lake to the south. The moon is a small crescent sitting over the Lake and the lights of the City across the lake rim the sky with a faint light as this distant city awakes. I must confirm what city it is - I am thinking it is Rochester, but I may be wrong. I am listening to CBC Radio 1 and the Morning Program which is my morning habit. It never disappoints with both interesting commentary and music and groups I have never heard but enjoy greatly. I am happy to begin another day.

I stole away yesterday to watch the Inauguration and was again impressed and inspired when I listened to Obama speak. One of his first acts was to put the legal proceedings at Guantanamo on hold. He and his wife conducted themselves like a fairy tale Prince and Princess that I am sure was the emotion of the day and night for them. I pray that God will grace them both with the strength and wisdom to continue in the ambitious work and agenda they have set out - despire the setback they will have.

So I have written my "catch up" blog. Need to get ready for work now as it is I will undoubtably be a bit late for work. For those of you who don't know me well my work day routine involves preparing a breakfast and a lunch, walking the dog and a 30 minute walk to work and an arrival at my office at 8:00 - earlier if things are not going well and perhaps a few minutes late if there are no urgent work issues needing my attention.. My walk gives me an opportunity to plan my day and reflect on what I need to get done. The walk home allows me to reflect on my successes and strategize better plans for the disappointments.

These days the walk is brisk, to say the least. I have better get moving. On the way to work I am going to think up a new blog topic for tonight. So say tuned, my resolution to write a blog is not going to be thrown aside!
PS: I think I will steal back to this blog tonight and add a new picture I took this morning of myself. It proves how miraculous the healing of my eyes has been. Although my eyes look a bit swollen you really can't tell I had surgery!

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